Responsibility and Sustainability
Indico Capital Partners is dedicated to driving positive change through its investment practices. We acknowledge the importance of sustainability and responsible investment in fostering long-term value and creating a better world for future generations. We recognize, in our role as investors, the responsibility to contribute towards improving the financial sector’s sustainable practices.
Through its Investment Funds, Indico pursues a venture capital strategy and focus on investments in companies that develop transformative technologies to fundamentally change our lives by solving significant problems. Investees are predominantly startups at their early-stages of development, which are not under the obligation to, and do not have reasonable capacity, make available structured ESG information. However, Indico strives to work together with its investees to promote ESG risk management and proactive engagement on developing ESG aligned business.
We are proud to be subscribers and members of several key global sustainability initiatives that underscore our commitment to responsible investment, such as the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI), the UNEP FI Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Initiative (SBE) 14 Principles for Sustainable Ocean Finance, and currently in the process of becoming subscribers to the United Nations Global Compact*. As such, Indico Capital Partners continuously actively manages the environmental or social characteristics of its Funds.
From 10th March 2021, a new regulation on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector - The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) - applies to all EU market participants, including venture capital funds. Indico Capital Partners is a Management Company governed by Portuguese law. The information we publish on our website is in accordance with this SFDR Regulation (EU 2019/2088).
Through its Investment Funds, Indico pursues a venture capital strategy and focus on investments in companies that develop transformative technologies to fundamentally change our lives by solving significant problems. Investees are predominantly startups at their early-stages of development, which are not under the obligation to, and do not have reasonable capacity, make available structured ESG information. However, Indico strives to work together with its investees to promote ESG risk management and proactive engagement on developing ESG aligned business.
We are proud to be subscribers and members of several key global sustainability initiatives that underscore our commitment to responsible investment, such as the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI), the UNEP FI Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Initiative (SBE) 14 Principles for Sustainable Ocean Finance, and currently in the process of becoming subscribers to the United Nations Global Compact*. As such, Indico Capital Partners continuously actively manages the environmental or social characteristics of its Funds.
From 10th March 2021, a new regulation on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector - The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) - applies to all EU market participants, including venture capital funds. Indico Capital Partners is a Management Company governed by Portuguese law. The information we publish on our website is in accordance with this SFDR Regulation (EU 2019/2088).
Indico Sustainability Policies
Sustainability has been at the core of Indico Capital Partners since its inception. Indico first started its investments in tech startups - Web3, Artificial Intelligence (AI), big data, enterprise SaaS, fintech and marketplaces, among others - and most recently in ocean related startups and SMEs - digitalization, innovative hardware and novel sustainable ocean solutions - with the aim of giving them scale and enabling their global expansion and positive impact in terms of climate action. It is our conviction that helping grow a portfolio of profitable sustainable businesses can help shape a more socially cohesive and environmentally sustainable world.
Remuneration and integration of sustainability risks (SFDR - Article 5)
For the moment, Indico Capital Partners does not have a formal remuneration policy. We might consider to adopt one in the future, notably, for the purpose of integrating sustainability risks.Indico recognizes the importance of its remuneration policy in aligning interests and ensuring fair and equitable compensation that attracts, retains, and motivates team members.
To this end, sustainability criteria are incorporated when evaluating and selecting candidates for Indico’s team and our remuneration practice adheres to the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value, ensuring it is non-discriminatory and promotes balance, efficiency, and diversity within Indico's team.
Sustainability has been at the core of Indico Capital Partners since its inception. Indico first started its investments in tech startups - Web3, Artificial Intelligence (AI), big data, enterprise SaaS, fintech and marketplaces, among others - and most recently in ocean related startups and SMEs - digitalization, innovative hardware and novel sustainable ocean solutions - with the aim of giving them scale and enabling their global expansion and positive impact in terms of climate action. It is our conviction that helping grow a portfolio of profitable sustainable businesses can help shape a more socially cohesive and environmentally sustainable world.
Remuneration and integration of sustainability risks (SFDR - Article 5)
For the moment, Indico Capital Partners does not have a formal remuneration policy. We might consider to adopt one in the future, notably, for the purpose of integrating sustainability risks.Indico recognizes the importance of its remuneration policy in aligning interests and ensuring fair and equitable compensation that attracts, retains, and motivates team members.
To this end, sustainability criteria are incorporated when evaluating and selecting candidates for Indico’s team and our remuneration practice adheres to the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value, ensuring it is non-discriminatory and promotes balance, efficiency, and diversity within Indico's team.
Consideration of Principal Adverse Impacts
No consideration of principal adverse sustainability impacts (SFDR - Article 4)
Indico Capital Partners does not consider adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors as recommended by the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1288 of 6 April 2022. Indico Capital Partners recognizes the importance of the Principal Adverse Impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors. We are developing internal frameworks to identify, evaluate, and prevent principal adverse impacts on ESG criteria, the assessment of ESG related risks and opportunities, the collection, quantification and reporting data as an integral part of Indico’s investment strategy.
Indico Capital Partners does not consider adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors as recommended by the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1288 of 6 April 2022. Indico Capital Partners recognizes the importance of the Principal Adverse Impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors. We are developing internal frameworks to identify, evaluate, and prevent principal adverse impacts on ESG criteria, the assessment of ESG related risks and opportunities, the collection, quantification and reporting data as an integral part of Indico’s investment strategy.
Indico Investment Funds (SFDR - article 10)
Indico’s Funds pursue a venture capital strategy and focus on investments in startups that develop transformative technologies to fundamentally change our lives by solving significant problems. Investees are predominantly startups at their early-stages of development, which are not under the obligation to, and do not have reasonable capacity, make available structured ESG information. However, Indico strives to work together with its investees to ensure adequate ESG risk management and proactive engagement on developing the necessary practices towards building ESG aligned business.
Indico Capital Partners acknowledges the importance of sustainability and responsible investment in fostering long-term value for its investors and creating a better world for future generations. Indico ensures responsible investment practices across its entire investment fund offering through an Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) framework that integrates ESG throughout the investment cycle, including the integration of sustainability risks in the investment management process (SFDR - Article 3). Details of Indico’s ESG integration in its Fund offering is detailed in its Sustainability Information.
Indico Investment Funds Sustainability Information
Indico Annual Sustainability Report 2023
SFDR Product Categorization
All of Indico’s Funds have environmental, social and governance risks integrated in their investment management. Some Fund offering promotes environmental or social characteristics but do not have as their objective sustainable investments. As such, and in accordance with SFDR Product Categorization, Indico’s Funds qualify for either Article 6 or Article 8 financial products, as follows:
INDICO SFDR Article 6 Funds
An Article 6 fund under SFDR is a financial product that integrates sustainability risks into its investment decisions but does not specifically promote ESG characteristics or pursue sustainable investments. Indico current Article 6 funds:
- INDICO VC FUND I - Fundo Capital Risco Fechado
- INDICO ACCELERATION FUND I - Fundo Capital Risco Fechado
- INDICO OPPORTUNITY FUND I - Fundo Capital Risco Fechado
- INDICO VENTURE CAPITAL FUND II - Fundo Capital Risco Fechado
Investment Funds ESG integration information:
Indico Investment Funds Sustainability Information
INDICO SFDR Article 8 Fund
SFDR Article 8 requires financial products that promote environmental or social characteristics to disclose how these characteristics are met. An Article 8 fund promotes ESG factors but does not necessarily have sustainable investment as its main objective. Indico current Article 8 funds:
INDICO BLUE FUND - Fundo Capital Risco Fechado:
Indico Blue Pre-Contractural Information
Indico Blue Sustainability Policy
Indico Blue Annual Sustainability Report 2023
* Indico Capital Partners is currently on the membership process for the UN Global Compact
Indico Capital Partners acknowledges the importance of sustainability and responsible investment in fostering long-term value for its investors and creating a better world for future generations. Indico ensures responsible investment practices across its entire investment fund offering through an Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) framework that integrates ESG throughout the investment cycle, including the integration of sustainability risks in the investment management process (SFDR - Article 3). Details of Indico’s ESG integration in its Fund offering is detailed in its Sustainability Information.
Indico Investment Funds Sustainability Information
Indico Annual Sustainability Report 2023
SFDR Product Categorization
All of Indico’s Funds have environmental, social and governance risks integrated in their investment management. Some Fund offering promotes environmental or social characteristics but do not have as their objective sustainable investments. As such, and in accordance with SFDR Product Categorization, Indico’s Funds qualify for either Article 6 or Article 8 financial products, as follows:
INDICO SFDR Article 6 Funds
An Article 6 fund under SFDR is a financial product that integrates sustainability risks into its investment decisions but does not specifically promote ESG characteristics or pursue sustainable investments. Indico current Article 6 funds:
- INDICO VC FUND I - Fundo Capital Risco Fechado
- INDICO ACCELERATION FUND I - Fundo Capital Risco Fechado
- INDICO OPPORTUNITY FUND I - Fundo Capital Risco Fechado
- INDICO VENTURE CAPITAL FUND II - Fundo Capital Risco Fechado
Investment Funds ESG integration information:
Indico Investment Funds Sustainability Information
INDICO SFDR Article 8 Fund
SFDR Article 8 requires financial products that promote environmental or social characteristics to disclose how these characteristics are met. An Article 8 fund promotes ESG factors but does not necessarily have sustainable investment as its main objective. Indico current Article 8 funds:
INDICO BLUE FUND - Fundo Capital Risco Fechado:
Indico Blue Pre-Contractural Information
Indico Blue Sustainability Policy
Indico Blue Annual Sustainability Report 2023
* Indico Capital Partners is currently on the membership process for the UN Global Compact